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Steps 3 - Submit offer to Landlord for acceptance

  • In Ontario's real estate contracts, offers to lease a property normally have an irrevocable date and time. Irrevocable is defined as incapable of being recalled or revoked.

  • In order words, it means that an applicant invites landlord to enter into a rental contract which is unchangeable and unalterable by the applicant within the irrevocable time.

  • Usually the irrevocable time for landlord to consider applicant's offer is 24 hours.

  • Therefore, applicant should only submit one offer to one property within the irrevocable time because you are binding for signing such an offer. 

  • No overlapping of irrevocable time for more than one offer made by the applicant even more than one property you like. Making multiple offers will / may cause you to be responsible for entering into multiple rental contracts.

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